The Ripley Bee

Sardinia Cemetery restoration continues

Ron Hirons and crew stabilizing a monument in the Sardinia Cemetery.

Ron Hirons and crew stabilizing a monument in the Sardinia Cemetery.

There has been a lot of work done in the historic Sardinia Cemetery this year and people who visit loved ones there have noticed.

The back section of the cemetery holds the remains of some of the earliest area settlers. The Village has committed $10,000 toward the restoration of the monuments in this section and is in the process of accepting bids for the first round of `work. This summer the care of the cemetery was done by Village employees and in the future the team will be assisted by local youth hired through work development grants.

Those driving by this summer have noticed some other work and workers making improvements on the grounds. The Sardinia Historical Society recently completed necessary repairs to monuments in the front section of the cemetery. The Historical Society is thankful for an opportunity to raise funds in August at a “Kibler’s Grill-Out Saturday” which made it possible to hire Ron Hirons and Hirons Memorial Works in Mt. Orab to complete the necessary work. The Historical Society appreciates all who donated at Kiblers and other times to support the cemetery restoration work.

All are welcome to join the Sardinia Historical Society at their meetings the First Monday of each month at 10 a.m. at Sardinia Hope Church (formerly Sardinia United Methodist Church), 105 South Main Street Sardinia.